Book 1

by Evan B. Witmer

Narrated by: Mark Watson

Production by: Evan Witmer

Oddly Curious and Mysterious!

This audiobook is distinctly unique and has a quality of oddness. A young man finds that if he feeds a crow certain food, he will receive gifts. Rings, shiny objects, and then when he feeds the crow pizza, the crow brings pages of an unknown author’s writing.

The author, Evan B. Witmer pulls together unique stories, each one mesmerizing with each passing second. My favorite was Bedfellows followed by Captured by Animals. In Bedfellows, a young couple finds themselves connected supernaturally. When they try to break the supernatural connection they share, it does not end well. The short story “Captured by Animals” is about a writer who spies on others to enable him to write his stories, but the writer is completely unexpected.

The listener must trust Witmer. There is just enough of the story to capture your attention and get you to stick with the stories. Witmer does a good job of building each character, world, storyline, and crafts unexpected twists. The stories give just enough of a foundation to keep your attention. This requires the Listener to take the stories at face value and follow the author’s lead. In other words, prepare your imagination because you will want it.

The narrator, Mark Watson does an excellent job of narration. His performance is fluid and moves forward smoothly. He clearly articulates and is consistent. He has unique voices for each character that gives more depth.

There were no issues with production or quality of this audiobook, it was well done.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.