by Anna Abgarowicz

Narrated by: Saethon Williams

Production by: Anna Abgarowicz

Two Worlds in One!

This is a complex tale of past and present-day events woven carefully together to create a captivating tale of loss, love, and purpose. A tragic tale of two sisters, an Egyptian portraitist, and ancient magic plays a significant role in this story along with the infamous Professor Livingston.  Secrets abound and only time will tell the ultimate end of this story. 

The author, Anna Abgarowicz carefully weaves a curse-filled story of magic and loss, the strong belief in Egyptian gods and fate. The story is complex with layers, but well detailed allowing the listener to follow along easily.  Character development is thorough and well-done.  Dialogue is authentic sounding and properly reactive. Just when the listener thinks they know where the story is headed, Abgarowicz throws in a plot twist that makes the listener rethink the storyline. Moving between the different storylines is done effortlessly.

The narrator, Saethon Williams provides an authentic performance.  Each character was well performed with a rich voice and personality appropriate to their situation.  He spoke clearly and his delivery was smooth.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys the emotional tug this book will pull from the listener. There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook, it was well done.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.