

The Fireraisers
(Detective Watters Mysteries), Book 1

by Malcolm Archibald

Intricate Mysteries and Intrigue

The Fireraisers consist of a series of mysteries within one another and although they do not appear connected, Detective Sergeant Watters of the Dundee Police discovers far more than he was expecting including arson, murder and disturbing connections.  When I first started to listen to this book, I discovered it needed a more dedicated listen in order to follow the events.  I have discovered that the author, Malcolm Archibald is very adept at creating intricate mysteries and a variety of intrigues.  His use of historical facts to create his fiction and his not being content to staying on one continent is uniquely done.

His character and plot development were solid and well done.  His dialog was spot on as well, making the story flow easily.  I thought his twists were well executed as well.  This story has it all – mystery, suspense, history, intrigue, adventure with a touch of humor.

The narrator, Max Best, performed the book very well although, in the beginning, his accent was a bit hard to understand it gave a more realistic feel to the characters and plot.  After a short bit, I enjoyed his performance thoroughly and became enthralled in the story.  I hope to hear more performances by Max Best.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.