by S. A LaPoint

Narrated by: S. A LaPoint

Production by: S. A LaPoint


Scott Frieze is successful and has a rich life. Then he decides to live his childhood dream much to the chagrin of those that love and know him. He learns the legal system quickly with some courtroom drama, his sentencing, and his stint in a maximum-level prison. Hear his exploits and his decisions.

The author, S. A. LaPoint, provides in-depth what led him to choose the deadly and ill-fated career as a bank robber and what that entails. His achieving his dream career, he details all that he has learned, and experienced, and finally his new hopes. As a writer, LaPoint tells his story vividly yet straight to the point. He interjects his thoughts and actions well blended together. As a new writer, he delivered an entertaining and captivating story. His sense of humor is engaging!

S. A. LaPoint also acts as narrator also. Given the story, he was a nice fit. It is clear he is not a polished narrator, but for this story, it works. The listener is given a front-row seat as he relates his experiences with a unique and personal energy. One can hear the rawness of his emotions at times over some of his decisions and experiences. It is refreshing!

This is a real and raw look at one’s experience with and in the legal system.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.