Terror in the Appalachia
(Terror Series) Book 2
by Esker Miller
Monsters in the Appalachia
A stalking, four-legged monster lurks in the wooded areas of the Appalachia; well, more than one actually. The terror induced by these creatures is almost tangible. Night, morning or noon, one is not safe alone or even in small groups. They are not timid at all especially when they are hungry and feeling territorial. They have a plan to migrate.
The author, J. Esker Miller, has captured several different aspects of the Appalachia life. The dialog is realistic and demonstrates a common approach to discussions. On example is when the ranger questions when he can be considered a local. The response is 100% spot on – “after at least three generations, nothing sooner.” For small town, rural setting, this bit of conversation is real and which adds a realistic flavor to the book.
The characters in the book are well developed and easily relatable to their role. Could there have been more character development? Yes, but that can be said for any book. I thought the plot flowed smoothly and I appreciated the subtle and steady build of suspense.
The narrator, Ward Paxton performed the audiobook perfectly. He delivered a performance that was well-timed, expressive and moved the story along. It is obvious that Paxton performs the action-packed, terrifying tale well. As a voice actor, his voices are solid but like most male actors, he struggled with the female voice.
I did not experience any difficulties with the quality or production of this audiobook.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves horror and adventure.
Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.