Stitches in Time Travel
by Peter G. Reynolds
Narrated by: Sarah Cullum
Production by: Peter G. Reynolds
A Delightful and Fun Tale!
Charlotte is 10 years old, and her mothers have insisted she spends Christmas with her grandmother at her very old, very cold, and dusty home. Spending Christmas Eve with her grandmother telling her yet another tale about when she was Charlotte’s age is wearing thin. Determined to go to bed without adding a special square to the quilt or having to suffer through yet another tale, Charlotte goes off to bed. Her grandmother wishes her a good night and hopes she is ready for the Angel of Hope when she comes to visit Charlotte. Little did Charlotte know what adventures lay awaiting her underneath that very special quilt!
Charlotte’s time-traveling Christmas tale is nothing short of fascinating! The author, Peter G. Reynolds, creates a wonderful world with warm feelings of love, hope, and kindness. He smoothly creates the world that opens for Charlotte and each character that she encounters takes on a rich and vivid role in Charlotte’s life as she does in their lives
Sarah Cullum, the narrator, gives an excellent performance. Her voice is smooth and full of vibrant, rich, and engaging emotions. Her voice is soothing yet excited in places which adds to the depth of the story.
This is a sweet listen and one that your children would find entertaining. The only issue was the shortness of the story; I would have enjoyed hearing more. Unique, well created, and written, this is a story that will capture your heart and imagination!
There were no issues with the production or quality of this audiobook.
Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.