Curse of Clansmen and Kings Series

By: Linnea Tanner

The Saga of A Celtic Warrior Princess 

The saga of a Celtic warrior princess from young woman into adulthood is action-packed and gripping.  Tanner creates a world of magic, both dark and light. Building on Roman legends and mythical gods, Tanner builds a story in which shape shifters, witches, druids and gods alike are combined into a captivating saga.   Weaving the story of Catrin and her forbidden lover, Marcellus, begins the epic tale with Catrin encountering treachery and betrayal as well as death.  

Each step of her journey to reclaim her ancestral home and rightful place as Queen, Catrin becomes a vengeful Celtic warrior forced to meet all obstacles and break traditional beliefs calling upon the supernatural powers to enable her to defeat her enemies.  Determined to remove herself from the slavery she finds herself in and reclaim her kingdom from her evil half-brother, Catrin becomes the strong female warrior her kingdom needs.  Focused on her goal, Catrin is a woman too strong to ignore or forget.   

Each book in this saga is well written, engaging and action-packed.  Tanner is a masterful story teller.  Her vivid imagination, attention to detail and rich words create a world anyone would enjoy stepping into and which has strong characters and rich dialog.