Maitland Maidens, Book 1

by Cora Lee

Narrated by: Philip Battley

Production by: More Than Words Press

Delightfully Engaging Regency Romance!

Benedict Grey is being pressured into securing a suitable wife, producing an heir and all will be well. However, he wishes to remain on the sidelines. Lady Honoria Mailand finds herself in the same situation as her good friend, Benedict so they decide to work together for appearances. However, even the best-laid plans go awry, and they certainly went awry for this pair!

The author, Cora Lee crafts a romantic, magical story of longing and responsibility. Her characters are well-developed and portrayed vividly. The small plot twists are entertaining and while simple, they are intriguing! The story flows smoothly and without flaws.

The narrator, Philip Battley is entertaining and enjoyable to hear. He speaks clearly and the character accents are accurate. His voice is rich and comforting yet reflective of the energy and action in the story. He delivers the performance with a steady cadence.

This is a delightful audiobook that brings out the warm fuzzy feeling of romance and longing.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.