by John Spearman

Narrated by: Ruel T. Fulford

Production by: John J. Spearman

Thrilling Space Opera!

Due to the Planetary Alliance losing the war, Sandy Pike has left the service and instead assumes a new career with a new crew. Their new pirating venture increases the coins in their pockets and sets them on a collision course with evil. Not only does Pike have his crew to keep safe, but his girlfriend, and children.

The author, John Spearman once again creates an amazing adventure for Pike and his crew. His storyline flows smoothly, the dialog is authentic, and his characters are well developed. He developed each character fully and provides an endearing connection to some. Each scene is detailed and realistic. This is the only book that I have listened to that has not only made me shudder but made my skin crawl with one scene. Spearman is a talented writer that can describe a scene and illicit a response with few details.

The narrator, Ruel T. Fulford, gives a solid performance. He keeps the story moving forward with his tone and cadence. His consistent and unique voices keep the listener connected and the story even easier to follow.

The Sandy Pike series is interesting, and I wonder what trouble Pike will find himself in next!

The production and quality of this audiobook were perfect. I encountered no issues; it was clear and crisp.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.