Fae Town Series, Book 1

by Kevin Knabe

Narrated by: Oliver Wyman

Production by: Kevin Knabe

Fae Magic, Recycling, and Exciting Creatures!

A complex story of fae magick, Mother Nature, and destiny. Tanin is a dryad whose job is to infuse fae magick into the world to heal Mother Nature. However, something changes, and Tanin has new powers that expose the lies and truths of the elder dryads who work for Newgrowth. Truths that hold deadly consequences at least for Chicago!

The author, Kevin Knabe, weaves a complex story with unique characters. The storyline clearly focuses on the environment and why we should be more diligent in protecting the earth blending the tale with myth and fantasy-based characters and behaviors. Tanin and Tuan are the two main characters, and it is their connection and needs for one another that reveals the hidden truth of Newgrowth. The coexistence of fae and humans is nicely done as well. Knabe has masterfully crafted a tale utilizing several different genres – fantasy, myth/legend, environmentalism, and adventure. He does so artfully and successfully.

The narrator, Oliver Wyman performs this book with a strong steady pace moving the story forward. He brings the book to life and adds to the excitement of the adventure. He spoke clearly and concisely with unique voices for all.

Overall, this is a great listen as it has so much adventure and action. However, one must pay attention to the details, or one can be lost for a moment or two.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.