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Delightful and Strong Voice Actor

My natural accent is Neutral or BBC English (RP- Received Pronunciation) with well-enunciated wording. Narrations can be warm, friendly, and conversational where appropriate, or dramatic and hard, depending upon the project. I can also layer passion and emotion where appropriate (I am a regular voice for charities like the RSPCA, for example). I have a very large range of character voices and accents, children's characters, and the ability to switch between male/female, particularly for audiobooks (see voice reels). Corporate work: My voice is informative, professional, and engaging. I am particularly good at complex and technical presentations/training. My diction is clear enough that I am often used by international companies where the audience's first language is not necessarily English. For live work, my voice is also confident and professional under pressure, as I am very experienced in delivering live presentations to large (and international) audiences.

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