by Margery B. Metzger

Narrated by: Tom Lennon

Production by: WildBlue Press

Accurate and Finely Detailed!

Lewis Lent seemed like your typical quiet neighbor, helpful and friendly but also a little odd. Sara Wood and Paul Bernardo were in the wrong place at the wrong time, trusting the wrong person. A serial killer wreaks havoc on small towns in New York and Massachusetts. His exploits are detailed in this book and his victims are given a voice.

Margery B. Metzger, the author, delivers a finely detailed accounting of Lewis Lent before, during, and after his serial killing spree. She is graphic in her descriptions yet not overboard. I found the history of Lewis Lent and his psychological behavior interesting. Some of the interesting yet irrelevant bits were a bit distracting i.e. serial killer Ted Bundy for one interrupted my thoughts and her story flow slightly. Although I have been interested in serial killers, this is not one I was aware of, and appreciated the historical accuracy of her book.

The narrator, Tom Lennon once again excels at voicing the story. His steady and clear voice provides and enhances this story with the emotional and powerful impact of the horrendous crimes committed. His subtle vocal inflections project the tiredness, sadness, horrifying loss, and passion of the police and families.

This is a book that deals with some horrendous and emotionally draining subject matter, however, it is well written. You will be hard-pressed to push the stop button until the end!

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.