by Franke James, Teresa Hearthchild, Billiam James

Narrated by: Jackie Blackmore, Lauren Potter, Dayleigh Nelson, Cynthia Potvin, 
Bill Mackie, Paula Hoffmann, Rob Cottingham

Production by: The James Gang Iconoclasts Inc.

Will Make Your Heart Hurt!

This is a story about family and their interactions/reactions, relationships, and beliefs. Their struggle to decide what to do for their elderly parent and their Down syndrome sister highlights the dysfunctional aspect of their family.

The authors, Franke James, Teresa Heartchild, and Billiam James, explore the heartache, fears, and entitled behaviors family members often face when caring for elderly or challenged relatives. Through detailed situations, rich dialogue, and strong characters, this story highlights the thoughts, passions, and beliefs of each family member while serving as a voice and guide for others in similar situations. The authors also address civil rights issues frequently overlooked and ignored for those unable to advocate for themselves. Franke, as an advocate, speaks powerfully for her sister and father, illustrating the disconnect between perspectives and the way we all view our needs and future.

The cast of narrators/performers was amazing! They slipped into their character smoothly and flawlessly capturing the essence of each vividly and with the levity expected. They worked together well, their timing was smooth.

This well-crafted memoir explores a family's struggle to work and coexist amidst personal flaws and life disruptions. I recommend this book to anyone navigating the challenges of caring for another person.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-biased, honest review.