by D. C. Wilkinson

Narrated by: John York

Production by: D. C. Wilkinson

Vividly Intense!

Devin Sharp, as a child experiences vivid visions of which he is all too often pooh-poohed. Now, as an adult, his dreams return with vivid intensity and vengeance!

The author, D. C. Wilkinson, crafts a story that follows a man’s journey from childhood to old age. Wilkinson’s narrative includes sudden independence and the chance to explore new experiences and self-discovery. He presents situations that highlight confusion, emotions, and challenges people face when dealing with their own mental health and that of others. His characters are well-developed fitting smoothly into the narrative. His writing style is pleasant and flawless.

The narrator, John York, does a magnificent job of giving voice to each character. He adeptly switches his voice to reflect the different time versions of each character. York‘s performance has an authentic and natural flow as he clearly projects the essence of each character and situation. His delivery and cadence are deliberate thus providing the listener with an immersive and unusual adventure.

This LGBTQ-focused historical mystery is well-done and captivating immersing the listener completely.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-biased, honest review.