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 A Pound of Flesh
Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse, Book 4

By: Shawn Chesser

“Day 9 and the Zombies Keep Coming” 

A Pound of Flesh introduces the reader to a whole new slew of characters.  There are more people, places, and things going on now that we’re into day 9 of the virus that has turned most of the world into zombies.  Pound.. is the 4th installment of Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse.

Chris Patton has narrated all four of the Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse books and has done a wonderful job in all four.  His voice can have military precision one second and be a soft-spoken non-special forces the next.  Allowing Chesser’s words to come alive and flow.  Patton definitely makes these already good books better with his narration.

Usually, once you’re as deep as a fourth book if you haven’t read any of the others you are completely and totally lost.  That is not the case with this book.  I think books two and three you needed to understand who Cade was and why he was fighting, but in this installment there are so many new things going on that Cades main narrative takes somewhat of a backseat to a great story.

The full narrative now explains what is going on since the apocalypse started and what other people are trying to do about it.  It introduces in more detail the NA (New America) and their leaders and lackeys.  Honestly, when you’re four books into a series it’s usually hard to introduce new people and plot points — but somehow Chesser does it with ease.  Not making me feel like it was a new story at all.

Overall, Chesser hits another home run with this one taking the reader along for the ride. If you weren’t hooked on the series before, give this book a shot — I think he’ll be able to reel you back in.

Disclaimer: The audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.