by Michael Segedy

Narrated by: Ellen A. Connor

Production by: Michael Segedy

An Emotional Experience!

Miles, Zoe, and David are close friends faced with difficult times and life-altering decisions. As young people, some of their decisions are made without the benefit of experience, faith, and connections. As with life, fate can be just as cruel as it is kind. This is a book with heart-wrenching situations and decisions that will leave an indelible mark on you. The irony of Liberty Bridge will not be lost on the listener or its role in the story.

Michael Segedy, the author, is an accomplished writer who has an innate ability to draw the listener in and put their emotions through the wringer. Segedy captures the emotions of young adults, their inner more fears, passions, and thoughts in general relaying them in a manner that keeps the listener listening.  His characters are richly developed and believable. The plot moves at a steady pace, but the plot twists are eye-opening. Where does the blame belong?

The narrator, Ellen A. Connor gives a strong performance capturing the essence of the story and the characters perfectly.  Her talented voice is smooth, and her cadence keeps the story moving forward. She speaks clearly and with the appropriate emotion being portrayed. I enjoyed listening to her.

This is another book by Segedy that leaves the listener haunted by the story and the outcome. While short in length, this is a powerful and moving book.  It does deal with some sensitive subject matter that some may have difficulties with, but it is a must-listen.

The production and quality of this audiobook were perfect. I encountered no issues; it was clear and crisp.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.