by Donald Zing

Narrated by: Andrew Zachman

Production by: Donald Zing

Engaging Sci-Fi Stories!

This audiobook consists of three stories – The Journey Home, Within Matter, and 96 Hours.  The Journey Home captures the life of a young man nicknamed Poly and his struggles to have value and be seen as a person. Within Matter addresses the need to conserve Earth’s energy and the greed of others forcing a young man to view his life and the world differently.  The final story, 96 Hours is a story about two teenagers and their efforts to confront the attackers that have just wiped out half the population.

Donald Zing creates three engaging and captivating stories that force the listener to look at life and people differently.  Also, his subtle use of time is intriguing and a connecting theme throughout the book. His character development is effective and complete. Each story has action and adventure. Poly invoked the most emotion from me. Watching Poly struggle to overcome what life had thrown at him and his struggle to find what he needed most – belonging, respect, love, and time – was intense.

The narrator, Andrew Zachman did an excellent job of giving voice to each story.  He projected the level of emotion and energy for each story and character.  I thought he spoke flawlessly and clearly.  He is a skilled voice actor!

Overall, this was a great collection of stories. My only disappointment with this audiobook was the sound effects.  I am not a person who enjoys sound effects as I feel they tend to interfere with the words being spoken.  There were a few times the music interfered with the narration, and I truly did not find the music appealing to me. If you enjoy sound effects, then this is a book you should hear!

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.