Unhuman Series, Book 1

By: Wilkie Martin

Narrated by: Tim Campbell

Published by: The Witcherley Book Company

Quality Comedy and Mystery!

Andy Caplet is a struggling reporter who is socially awkward and easily frightened.  Only because the normal reporter for the crime beat was injured by being thrown from a speeding car (implied that he had been gambling or a mafia encounter …) Andy is given the assignment to work with Inspector Hobbes.  From that moment onward, Andy is caught in a whirlwind of mystery and intrigue.  Of course, it does not help that Andy’s imagination runs away with him – he’s seeing trolls, ghouls, witches, and vampires at every turn. Then again, considering he finds himself in a freshly dug grave conversing with two ghouls and the inspector enjoys raw meat and bones, and then there is the housekeeper that collects teeth …  perhaps his imagination is NOT running wild… and it seems that perhaps Inspector Hobbes has a secret of some sort.

They have to work together to solve the mysteries and unusual circumstances surrounding the robberies and murders that are occurring throughout the town.

Wilkie Martin writes a clever crime mystery with comedy and a good deal of fantasy mixed in.  One cannot help but laugh out loud at some of the antics Andy finds himself in!  This is the perfect pair of crime solvers and partners in law!  One cannot help but be charmed by the story and the characters.

Martin develops his characters fully, with a depth that enables the listeners to connect with them.  Martin is also vivid in his descriptions placing the listener into the book.

Tim Campbell, the narrator, was equally awesome in his talented reading.  Campbell became immersed in the book to the point that it was difficult to tell where he left off and the characters began.  His ability to give the appropriate voice and personality to the characters was spot on; I loved hearing how his voice would become squeaky whenever Andy found himself in hot water and how confident Hobbes sounded.

If you enjoy mystery and some fantasy characters, then this is the book for you.

I encountered no audio issues and the production of this audiobook was smooth.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.