by Mark Hunter

Narrated by: Eric Reed

Production by: Mark Hunter

Obsession Kills!

Tom Donner is an ordinary man with a wife and two children and a decent-paying job. It’s not clear where his obsession comes from but when it hits him, he takes extraordinary measures to fix himself. Where his obsession leads him is interesting and suspenseful.

The author, Mark Hunter weaves a story around an ordinary man making him unordinary. At least in the aspect of how he deals with his failures and successes; they tend to stay with him and dictate his present-day life. Hunter defines Tom Donner as a character explicitly and with great care. Each thought, action, and conversation Donner holds is well-written. The dialogue, internal and otherwise moves the story along at a steady pace. The solution Donner opts for is surprising given his eccentric behavior and thoughts.

The narrator, Eric Reed delivers an excellent performance capturing the spirit of Tom Donner. His intonation and inflections are well-matched for this story. While the story is already engaging, Reed’s performance enhances the engagement. I look forward to more performances by Reed.

Overall this book is an engaging book that draws the listener in deeply. This was an interesting and fresh listen.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.