

The Wisdom of Saints

by Anthony Vincent Bruno


Narrator: Hedge T. Haiden

Relevant and Powerful Words to Live By

The Wisdom on the Saints by Vincent Anthony Bruno is a collection of moving and heartfelt quotes and final words by people declared Saints and intelligent insightful people from long ago.  Each quote is a treasure that can help motivate, calm, soothe, or give hope to those in need.  During this Pandemic and unrest when everything is upside down, the quote by St. John Chrysostom, “God asks little but he gives much” and St. Ambrose of Milan’s words “No one heals themselves by wounding another,” both are very powerful and moving phrases.  It is helpful to have a reference of quotes to help keep one’s spirits high or at least at a consistent level.

I am not sure having it in audiobook format is as helpful as having it on a kindle or physical book.  I say this only because one cannot bookmark the phrases that one might need to hear at any given moment.  I found this audiobook to be most enlightening when I could be alone, seated quietly meditating so I could focus on the words and glean from them what I needed.

This new version is narrated by Hedge T. Haiden who also wrote the background music. This revision of The Wisdom of the Saints is greatly improved! Haiden does a solid job of narration adding inflection and projects his voice at appropriate times. The background music which he wrote is an added bonus to this book. It blends in well and becomes a part of the book reflecting the mood of the quotes.

This is not a book that is normally accepted by AudioBookReviewer.com but given all that is going on in the world today, it was felt this might be a helpful book to be known.

There were no issues with the production or quality of this audiobook. 

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.