The Visitor

by Jay Trott

Narrated by: Jay Trott

Production by: Jay Trott

One Man’s Journey!

Jill Campbell is a mother, wife, and artist struggling to reclaim her passions. Her husband is a struggling band member constantly consumed with his success; her son is a source of some satisfaction but not enough; and her will to paint has left her. Until Josh stumbles into her world. Jill becomes alive whenever she thinks and paints Josh but there is much more to Josh than she knows. Josh has a blood guilt that haunts him. Now Jill is faced with irrefutable proof that Josh is not “normal” and that she must decide her future now.

The author, Jay Trott crafts a story around a variety of strong emotions. The first thing that came to my mind was Jill was having a mid-life crisis, but it is much more than that. There is a sense of longing and needing to please while still remaining independent. Trott sets the stage nicely leaving the listener with no doubt as to what is going on. The personalities of each character were well-defined and clear. He clearly communicates the feelings of loss, darkness, awakening, and longing with each interaction and individual. The characters could have been further developed to help the listeners feel more invested in them.

As the narrator, Jay Trott spoke clearly but did not give substance to the characters through different tones or inflections. Trott did a good job of telling his story. There were sound effects to indicate dreaming or past reflections which became distracting.

The surreal feeling of the book was confusing in the beginning but it became clearer as the story progressed.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.