

The Victorian Vampire

by Nick James

Narrated by: Paul Hillian

Publisher: Nicholas James Plumridge

Review Written by W. D. Douglass

Light Vampire Fun with some Intrigue!

The Victorian Vampire written by Nick James is a tale about an everyday brit that turns into an everyday vampire. Overall this book was a feel-good fun read. From the heartwarming bonds formed by the characters to the funny situations, they get into. This book is a good fit for anyone who enjoys the vampire genre but wants it light on the gore. Unfortunately, the downfall of this story is that there wasn't any real conflict for the protagonist to overcome. Sure, there were sprinklings of minor conflicts throughout which were quickly resolved, and I didn't feel that he was ever in any real danger.

The narrator Paul Hilliar did an exceptional job, being a perfect match for the majority of characters. Although his American accent needs a little work, his voice acting was consistent throughout and caught the tone of the protagonist and other characters perfectly.

Editing, quality, and production were on par with most books I have listened to. It was clear, with no issue with sound or quality.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.