

The Sky Above

by A.G.R. Goff

Narrated by: Andrew James Roberts

Thought-Provoking Adventure!

Two schoolboys, Mark who is Christian, and Ben who is Muslim, join forces in order to survive the aftereffects of the religious war of Christians vs Muslims.  Along with Ben’s sister (Pumpkin), the two must find water, food and avoid those whose racial hatred continues to fester.  At one point, the three find themselves in the presence of a community of women – Christian women who want Mark to provide for them and they do not care that he’s only in his early teens. 

This is one of those rare books that is not only interesting and engaging but thought-provoking.  The author, A.G.R. Goff does an excellent job of building characters, world-building, and keeping the story moving along at a steady pace.  The dialog was realistic and flowed smoothly.  I had no problem with the time jumps.  Goff did an excellent job of developing Ben, Mark, and Pumpkin to the point that the listener could not help but come to care for them.

The narrator, Andrew James Roberts gave a solid performance.  I enjoyed his voice and his cadence was steady.  He gave each character a “voice” that allowed the listener to engage.  The continuity of his performance was important and well done.

This is an interesting book that stays with you long after you hear the closing words.  I look forward to hearing more from A.G.R. Goff and performances by Andrew James Roberts.

I thought the cover of the audiobook was vivid and communicated to the listener what type of action this would be.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.  It was clear and well done.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.