
by Edgar Allan Poe
Dramatized by Jason Markiewitz

Performed by: Jason Markiewitz, Brennan Villados, and more

Production by: Markiewitz Audioworks

Tapping, Tapping!

This is the original Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven performed by Jason Markiewitz and Brennan Villados as the main voice actors. This dramatized version of The Raven is well-done. The story of The Raven is well-known, so I will not address its value as a story or how well it was written by this famous author. Rather, this review is focused on the dramatization of the story. Brennan Villados’s voice for Edgar Allan Poe was well done and demonstrated Poe’s doubts and his self-musings. Jason Markiewitz did a strong narration of the rest of the book. Markiewtiz gave a strong voice to the narration aspect of this book, it was smoothly done with a pleasing voice. The voice of Poe’s wife was done well also, Victoria Markiewitz gave this performance.

The performers provide a balanced rendition of The Raven. The sound effects were well done and added to the story. While I am not a fan of sound effects, this performance was skillful and did not distract from the story.

As the publisher, Markiewitz Audioworks produces a skilled and precise dramatization of this book. I think it held more value as a dramatized version than one simply narrated. If you enjoy dramatization and vintage literature, this is a must-listen!

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook, it was clear and well produced.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.