by Tyler Edwards

Narrated by: Robert Grindley

Production by: Tyler Edwards

Review by W.D. Douglass

Great World-Building and Twists!

The Outlands was written by Tyler Edwards and narrated by Robert Grindley. This young adult dystopian adventure is a suitable listen for its genre. I found it to be comparable to the more notable hallmarks of the YA genre. I.e., Hunger Games and Divergent. With great world-building and a surprise ending to make it all worth wild this is a good read. Where it fell short in my opinion was the characters. They seemed flat with cookie-cutter personalities. But with this being the first book in the series there is still time to see the characters grow and break through the troupes of their current existence.

The narration by Robert Grindley was the same as the writing. Solid but not compelling. Unfortunately, the only thing that made an impact on me was that his pronunciations of certain words were very different from any other narrator I have listened to.

Editing, quality, and production were on par with most books I have listened to. It was clear, with no issue with sound or quality.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.