

The Death of Hercules: A DocuNovel

by Daniel Yarosh

Narrated by: Daniel Yarosh

Production by: Daniel Yarosh

Review by: T. C. White

Murder, Deceit, Revolution, and More!

Lots of historical happenings in November 1918 with the end of WWI, the spread of the Spanish flu, and more. Max Shertok, a former US Army Private, tries to rescue his parents from a civil war in Russia. Along the way, he meets renegades from the Bolshevik Revolution, murder, deceit, betrayal, and more. This story is based on real people and stories from this chaotic time with some creative license.

The story starts right away with this one. We do get the background and setting, but then right into the story, we go. My interest was kept throughout this historical fiction novel and the story advanced nicely. I do not know everything about the history regarding this era, but the fact-checking seemed to check out. Regardless of historical facts, take a few hours and listen to the story, you will not be disappointed.

Daniel Yarosh narrates this well. This was a basic reading which kept me engaged in the story. It might have been more entertaining if the narration had been more engaging with voice fluctuations and inflections.

Overall, this was an interesting book. Not my typical go-to book, but one I am glad to have taken the time to hear.

There were no issues with the production or quality of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.