by Randy Noble

Narrated by: Michelle Marie

Production by: Randy Noble

Fast-Paced Space Thriller!

Regina is a mercenary-for-hire type person but she’s on vacation, well, sorta. Taking a cruise aboard a huge spaceship itself should be exciting with a soothing and relaxing destination, however, things are never what they seem. Instead, Regina finds herself aboard a ship with only a few folks and piles and piles of clothing. People are disappearing at an alarming rate and an orange ball of light is hunting her. What she finds on board is literally out of this world!

The beginning of this book has a somewhat slow start that leaves one a little confused but clears up a little way into the book. When it clears up, it becomes a fast-paced book that keeps the action going. The author, Randy Noble, has a writing style that is relaxed and draws you in. Noble has a good handle on what makes a character likable and what doesn’t. Further, he provides descriptions that are rich and vivid.

The narrator, Michelle Marie, did a good job of narration. She spoke clearly and smoothly, providing the listener with the appropriate voice intonations for the action going on. Poised and calming, she gave a solid performance.

This is a good science-fiction thriller. The only downside of this book is that the ending is rather abrupt and unexpected.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook, it was clear and well produced.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.