by Christina Hoag

Narrated by: Andre G. Chapoy

Production by: Christina Hoag

A Gritty and Authentic Look into the Gang Life

Having served a prison sentence for a fellow Cyco Lokos, Magdaleno finds himself once again being drawn back into the gang lifestyle upon release.  His hopes to leave the lifestyle with his girlfriend are thwarted. Forced to make life-threatening decisions, Magdaleno discovers there is no escape.

The author, Christina Hoag brings to life the deadly and complicated ways of those intimate with the gang lifestyle.  Woven carefully within the suspense of the story are characters that are realistic in both their actions and dialogue. Hoag, with her experience with gangs and their members, pulls back the curtain and gives her listeners an inside point of view.  A point of view that is both frightening and gripping.

The narrator, Andre G. Chapoy brings the story to life with unique voices clearly defining the characters.  He speaks clearly and with the correct tone and cadence for the characters and situation. I have not heard anything from Andre Chapoy until this performance, but I look forward to hearing more books performed by him.

This is a rare look into the gang lifestyle from an author with insight and experience.  Combined with the authentic storyline, characters, and dialogue it is also the narrator that brings this story to life.

There were no issues with the production or quality of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.