by Auroshikha Rath

Narrated by: Auroshikha Rath

Production by: Auroshikha Rath

Step-by-Step Guide

This book provides insight into strategies to connect to one’s inner self or spirit for balance and comfort. The strategies do not fit into a neat box called organized religion. Rather this focuses on the necessity of spirituality and making it your own.

As the author and narrator, Auroshikha Rath focuses on natural sources such as air, fire, water, etc., incorporating them into one’s core or soul. Her language is clear and commonly used lingo explaining this topic in greater detail. The music included is very soothing and tonally appropriate. While she advises you can create your own religion in 21 days, one must wonder if it requires much longer to build something long-term and truly comforting that will last.

As the narrator, she speaks clearly and with a soothing tone. She clearly believes what she is teaching, enabling her to speak passionately and convincingly in her sharing. The added sounds – tones and music are well-done but expected.

Overall, this is a book for someone searching and hoping to find enlightenment. I am not an "organized religion" person, and I appreciate the earthly and enlightened moments. I do not, however, expect or would believe they take a specific time period to achieve. Each of us is different, as our powers of faith, trust, etc. are at differing levels. This is probably the only thing I disagree with.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.