by Tammie Rothermel

Narrated by: Tammie Rothermel

Production by: Stonehome Publishing, Inc.

When One Gets More! Than They Asked For!

Living at home in a small town, Nicole is thrust into the life of famed singing sensation, Grant Hendersen. Their first encounter is true love! Each step of their romance and later their professional relationship is a minefield that they must maneuver through the obstacles successfully. It isn’t until later in their relationship that Nicole discovers the true Grant and her life of overcoming even more thrown at her.

The author, Tammie Rothermel creatively weaves a colorful, well-constructed story that is unforgettable. Each character central to the storyline is well developed, those that are supporting characters are developed just enough to move the story along. The plot twists are well-executed and while anticipated they are still suspenseful at times making the treachery even more poignant.

Interesting story and well-written. Several themes run throughout the story - domestic violence, what is love, what would you do for someone you love, and more!

The narrator, also the author Tammie Rothermel gives a solid performance. Each emotion thought, and action has the right amount of emotion projected. Her cadence is smooth and steady paced. She is pleasant to hear.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook, it was clear and well produced.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.