by Herbert Wiens

Narrated by: Kim Owens

Production by: Herbert Wiens HP Waterhouse Publishing

Psychological Thriller with Interesting Characters and Story Lines!

Karen is a well-to-do young woman with a desire to become a doctor and is driven to succeed professionally and socially. Attracted to two men, Karen’s choices endanger her life in more ways than one. An unexpected flashback of 400 years is made and we are introduced to the life of Mariken. A woman with amnesia in 1572 Antwerp. The people in her life closely resemble those in Karen’s life. Their lives are intertwined in a unique and satisfying way. Both women encounter the same men yet both deal with them differently.

The author, Herbert Wiens is a colorful storyteller that speaks volumes in the comparison of the two women and their stories based on their choices. The two women experience love, loss, and honor in different ways. Wiens did a thorough job of describing both women and their personalities which resulted in their decisions. So much so that I was incredulous at some of the decisions Karen made and cheering for Mariken. By the end of the book, I could not forgive Karen or rather I could not excuse her decisions regardless of why they were made. The emotional connection, good or bad, is what makes Wiens an excellent author.

The added pieces of a serial killer and serial torturer were fresh yet extremely gory! Wiens vividly painted how deranged these two men were and the lengths they would go to have their own pleasure!

The narrator, Kim Owens speaks clearly and with a steady rhythm. She projected the correct amount of emotion and made the characters believable. Further, she kept the story moving forward. I enjoyed her voice as it was soothing and gentle. I give her kudos as she was able to deliver the goriest, most vicious manners of death and torture that is unimaginable without missing a beat!

Overall, this is an interesting book that pushes the listener to actively engage with the characters in several different ways. If you are a fan of serial killing, gore, romance, and more this is the book to hear!

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.