

Domestic Violence, One Woman’s Decision
Brier Hospital

by Lawrence Gold

Deadly Consequences!

A powerful story of one woman’s struggle with domestic violence and its ultimate outcome.  The story of Millie Goodheart, chief librarian, who survived repeated brutal attacks by her drunken father finds herself in a relationship with a man just as violent and deadly.  Over the course of their marriage, her husband, Henry develops into a selfish, self-centered, and abusive man who has no interest in her as an equal nor interest in his daughters.

As with anyone who is in an abusive relationship, there comes a breaking point.  Millie reached hers.  Due to Henry’s standing in the city, Millie is charged with Henry's death, and thus the battle to remain free, clear her name, and remain with her daughters begins.

This is a sensitive subject, and, in my opinion, the author, Lawrence Gold presents the story of Millie in a subtle but poignant manner.  The story is woven carefully and with great thought, all the while providing useful information that not only others of abuse can take away but those that are witnesses as well.  As Gold describes, relationships are messy.

The character development was excellent and detailed.  Gold captured the personalities and thought processes of the victims and the interactions between each character flawlessly.  The ease in which Millie falls into sarcasm and the careful needling that goes on … flawless!  The twist at the end – magnificent; I never saw it coming!

The narration by Marcia E. H. Rezza was well done.  She narrated the story smoothly giving each character just the right voice and tone.  I loved the voice for Lola!  It was perfect!!!  Her performance kept the story moving, drawing the listener in even deeper.

There were no issues with the production or quality of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.