by Katrina Robertson

Narrated by: Katrina Robertson

Production by: Katrina Robertson

Broken Justice System!

Being asked to serve on a jury can be time-consuming, draining, and confusing. Being selected to serve on a jury to pass judgment on another requires trust in the system. One woman, known to be an advocate for her son and others with the legal system finds herself caught in the middle of a mistrial because of her honesty and faith. Facing jail herself for creating the mistrial she has months to await her trial and possible conviction.

The author and narrator, Katrina Robertson voices her experience with the legal system in two different situations. The first is the advocate for her adopted children and others with the legal system helping them find the needed support. The second serves as a juror for a woman accused of murder. What Katrina discovers and now exposes is how severely the American justice system is defective and that faith will not fix the problems, but it helps to keep one centered and focused on what needs to be done.

Katrina’s performance as a narrator is good and indicates that this is a heartfelt experience she needed to share. It is clear from beginning to end that her courage, compassion, and determination drive her to help those in need.

This is an interesting audiobook that is moving and informative. Further, it is confirmation to many that there are severe needs within the justice system that must be addressed.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.