A Sam Blair Mystery, Book 1

by Gene Peck

Narrated by: Mike Hennessy

Production by: Gene Peck

Historical Based Mystery Thriller!

This is a historically based mystery built around the end of prohibition, and the occurrence of the deadly Union Station Massacre during 1933 in Kansas City, Missouri. Sam Blair is the Assistant US District Attorney faced with prosecuting local members of the mob for tax evasion and the city’s political boss for bribery. It is the personal connection that he discovers under the layers of deception and betrayal that will shatter him!

The author, Gene Peck, blends a captivating mystery within historical occurrences providing a deeper understanding and connection of a specific era and known activities. His characters were well-developed and fit the historical pieces well. The dialogue too fit nicely and flowed smoothly while also retaining an authentic feel.

The narrator, Mike Hennessy, spoke clearly and concisely. His distinctive accents and voices were unique to each character. His skilled voice kept the story flowing properly and smoothly for the listener. In addition, Hennessey projected the appropriate amount of tonal inflection and energy into his performance.

This is a truly captivating story filled with action and suspense. I was surprised as to what/who the “Hotshot” referred to in the story – it was unexpected!

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.