by Dag Compeau

Narrated by: Chris Hyston

Production by: Dag Compeau Animation

Fast-Paced, Action-Filled, and Deadly Hamsters!

Set in the very near future, global warming has happened, and the political world is slightly off-center. Hamsters are no longer the fuzzy, cute, and adorable rodents they once were but are now vicious bloodletting monsters. The president, military, and government have seen this. What comes next is mind-blowing!

The author, Dag Compeau weaves a story around some fantastical characters and events from today’s world capturing them in a satirical manner. Compeau focuses on events such as the cause of global warming, identity, and more. Will you be offended? Probably, but there is no arguing that Compeau knows what can be funny and how to put it out there in a fun and interesting way. The character development is thorough. The storyline, although oddly weird, is deliberate and carefully laid out to create a funny story tinged with real-life issues and concerns.

The narrator, Chris Hyson is amazing. I’m not sure how he got through this audiobook without laughing or groaning over some of the jokes and comments, but he did. He spoke clearly and projected the personality of each character. Oftentimes mixing accents, voices, and tones at a steady yet very quick pace. Considering this is fairly action-packed, Hyson did not stumble once. He brought humor to life.

Overall, this is a fun book if you are open-minded enough to appreciate the humor, able to read between the lines, and not take life so seriously. Be prepared to be offended if you are not open-minded or appreciate satirical humor. Oh, and just so you know – it is NOTHING like Snakes on a Plane! It’s more fun!

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.