by Felicia Granville

Narrated by: Nikki Delgado

Production by: Philip Angus

Best Laid Plans!

Having finished college and proven herself in the business world, Kimberly is ready to start a business with her boyfriend. After having convinced him to begin working on their own business, Kimberly must return home. What she discovers upon her return to her parental home keeps her moving forward on their plans. Thus leaving everything and everyone in turmoil.

The author, Felicia Granville continues to build the story of Kim and her struggles in creative yet realistic situations. Kim’s life and struggles continue to show the strength of her character as well as her doubts. Granville keeps the story moving forward building on the previous one and growing the characters in detail.

The narrator, Nikki Delgado provides continuity with the characters maintaining their voices throughout each adventure. She speaks clearly and with enthusiasm. Her tones are soothing and steady.

The adventure of Kimberly continues to keep the listener engaged. I highly recommend this audiobook to anyone who loves contemporary romance and short stories.

There were no issues with the production or quality of this audiobook. It was well done.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.