by Bob Oedy

Narrated by: Bob Oedy

Production by: Death Spoon LLC

Review by Rox Burkey

Dangerous Conflict!

Bob Oedy builds a world where odd connections reign supreme and two cults fight to control people, places, and things. Mr. Oedy creatively relates things most listeners see in life with a twist of danger, suspense, and mockery.

Ted, the realtor, crosses paths with weird people, one of whom, Craig, happens to possess an arcane artifact, the death spoon. Ted crosses paths with the sophisticated Karen, who can boost Ted’s career as she has the right connections if Ted can secure the spoon. The tale moves between drugs, sex, and money with murder, high-speed car chases, waring cult factions, rapid-fire power shifts, and splashes of romance. Ted secures the spoon, and his life shifts from mundane to outrageously successful.

The action-packed scenes are filled with characters that pique one’s interest. Additional depth with these characters would invest the reader or listener. A fun, relatively short listen that will captivate your imagination.

Mr. Oedy also performed the audio rendition of this story. The narration was good; even when in places, it was difficult to hear the voice change as the dialogue speakers shared the conversation. There were no issues with the sound quality of the audiobook itself. Fans of quirky suspense will enjoy this unconventional read. Bob Oedy is a good author to keep an eye on for additional stories.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook,

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-biased, honest review.