Michael Nicholas, Book 4

by E.J. Simon

Narrated by: Colin Martin

Production by: Simon Zef Publishing, LLC

Unique Opening and Plot Twists!

Death in the Cloud touches on the fears and hopes of AI technology. This book truly brings the nightmare to the forefront. Two men residing in cyberspace who have the means to wreak havoc on individuals, countries, and more will duke it out in the cloud! Both maintain their huge egos, but it will take the selfless act of one to save the day and protect those in the path of destruction.

The author, E. J. Simon has woven a thriller filled with suspense and terror around a common fear of technology.  A commercial airliner destined to deliver death to the US President with children, families, and others onboard is a breath stopper! Each character was well developed with depth and personality.  The first few minutes of the book were unusual in how they set the stage, a true attention grabber. The plot twists were unexpected and well done.

Colin Martin, the voice actor gives a solid performance highlighting the personality of each character and situation they find themselves in.  The unique voices he provided enabled the listener to keep the story straight.  His energy kept the flow of the book strong and smooth.

A definite must-listen, action thriller with a techno theme. Although I have not listened to the other three books in the series, there was enough background information to allow the listener to not become lost.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.