

Chasing Cleopatra

by Tina Sloan

Narrator: Therese Plummer, Gabriel Vaughan

Publisher: Tati Khan

Intrigue, Mystery, and Romance Neatly Packaged!

Chasing Cleopatra by Tina Sloan is an exceptional book as there is something for everyone including romance, intrigue, espionage, and mystery.  Cleopatra (Cleo to her friends) is a beautiful woman who is having a Mrs. Robinson moment with a younger man – a younger man who has a connection to her past!  Her past and connections have required her to be trained in the deadliest of fighting arts! 

Not all is what it seems, and Sloan weaves a magical tale connecting each character subtly all the while carefully building an intense and exciting story. Sloan develops each character carefully moving the story in the direction it needs to go.  The twists are eye-opening and one (ok, maybe two) will leave your mouth hanging open as they come to fruition.  This book was interesting and light, there were places where the plot or character could have been bogged down but Sloan smoothly kept everything flowing.

This is the first time I have heard anything by Sloan and I have to say she now has a fan.  Her story flowed smoothly with each plot building accordingly.  I loved the nuances of her characters and their development.  They are certainly memorable!   Her dialog was rich keeping pace with the story and character development.

I thoroughly enjoyed having the book broken up into two narrators and each chapter is by a character in the book.  It made the story even more enjoyable.  The narrators – Therese Plummer and Gabriel Vaughan were perfect for the story.  Therese made each female character come to life as Gabriel did for the male characters. Each narrator’s tone and speech patterns for each character were appropriate for the personality that developed.  I enjoyed hearing each one’s performance in the book.  I look forward to hearing these narrators again.

The audio production of this book was perfect.  There were no audio or production quality issues.  Chasing Cleopatra was well-produced.

I look forward to hearing more books written by Tina Sloan! 

This prestigious award is presented to the author, Tina Sloan, as this book is believed to deserve higher than the standard 5 Star Rating

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.