
by Ria Skelton

Review Written by W. D. Douglass

Fantastic Journey or Something More?

As a representative of AudioBookReviewer.com here is my review on Aaertwen by Ria Skelton. This is a story about a young girl who is left to her own devices and goes on fantastic journeys.  It was told very well. The author did a great job of writing this tale from a tenish-year-olds point of view. It really felt like a young girl telling me about how she helped the fairy folk. The only shortcoming is that this story felt like it had three endings. Each of which would have been good.

The narrator Melika Jeddi did an exceptional job, being a perfect match for this tale. Her voice acting was consistent throughout and caught the tone of the protagonist perfectly.  

Editing, quality, and production were on par with most books I have listened to.  It was clear, no issue with sound or quality.

But wait there's more! The author and the narrator pairing perfectly is not the only highlight. If you read this story as a non-fiction, this tale takes on a duality of sorts. The protagonist is a neglected child, abandoned by both parents, isolated from her friends, an ethnic minority, and forced to start a new school due to her mother failing to come back for her. All these factors together would lead anyone to have a mental breakdown. With the addition of the window cleaner peeping on her and possibly assaulting her she has a mental breakdown. Following that line of thought this whole story being told by a mentally and possibly physically abused child has a bit of gravity. This tale is her coping mechanism to deal with adult situations she should never have had to deal with becomes very believable. Whether or not this was the author's intent I do not know but it's an interesting thought experiment of how a child might cope with all the stresses of life.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.