The Ladies’ Wagering Whist Society, Book 1

by Meredith Bond

Narrated by: Naomi Rose-Mock

Production by: Anessa Books

A Delightful Regency Romance!

Societal rules complicate the world of the Duke of Warwick when he must introduce his sister into society. The dressmaker he hired is not only a beautiful and talented woman, but she is also not the proper woman to be involved with. Being illegitimate, she is barely holding onto her business and life as she is being blackmailed. However, it is the Ladies’ Wagering Whist Society who steps in and begins to meddle. Once they become involved no one stands a chance!

The author, Meredith Bond accurately weaves the rules and beliefs of the Regency era into this romance story. Her character development is good and thorough given the genre and era of the book’s focus. There were some lighthearted moments that were fun and some that were tense. The plot twists were well done.

The narrator, Naomi Rose-Mock gives a solid performance. Her voice is rich and provides unique voices to each character. She keeps the story flowing smoothly and speaks clearly. Her accents are spot on as well.

The book keeps the listener entertained with its simple yet highly interesting plot.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook. However, the editing could be smoother.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.