by Kirk Spencer

Narrated by: William Sipes

Production by: Kirk Spencer

Review by Roxanne Burkey

Family Survival!

Author and father, Kirk Spencer relates a heart-wrenching event he survived 35 years ago. Kirk and his wife had a beautiful daughter, a third child. She spent four months in this world and with this family. A short time most of it spent in a children’s hospital without the medical technology and advancements available today. 

Mr. Spencer details everything he recalls from the constant snow, the noise of machines, the balance of their other two children, newfound faith, and an unbelievable reality. He laments more than once regret in not capturing the events in more detail when they occurred. 

Lindsay Renee Spencer arrived on December 12, 1981, in Columbus, Ohio. Lynn, her mother, had a fast labor and rapid recovery. They awaited the children’s doctor to release their daughter.

This excerpt cemented the path of the journey of this loving family. The visit from their pediatrician changed their lives forever. Mr. Spencer shares so many details from this point in the memoir forward.

Dr. Mac answered with a voice that seemed comforting, “You can take Lindsay out of the hospital today, but…” That little word would become the biggest little word I would ever hear in my entire life. A quick glance toward Lynn told me she shared the same look of confusion. That look of confusion changed to concern when the doctor added, “I would like you to take her to Columbus Children’s Hospital for some tests before you take her home.”

Mr. Spencer and his wife lived scary perceptions and unplanned insights while Lindsey was cared for in the hospital. In many ways, interactions with the medical team assigned to Lindsay for tests, results, timeframes, and treatments were surrealistic for Kirk and Lynn. They appreciated the care from the hospital staff. 

When they learned Lindsay’s diagnosis, a pastor entered their world. He would remain connected to the family, bringing hope and faith to the couple. The pastor’s extended church family gave the Spencer family quiet support from the wings through this challenging time. 

The narration provided by William Sipes was perfect, flawless, and felt like Kirk Spencer. There were no issues with the quality of the audiobook format. 

This memoir is not a handbook for how others might move beyond this desperately sad loss. Regardless of their age, the memories of a family member last forever. The book illustrates the ability of humans to survive often with the support system that comes from faith, family, friends, and love. I recommend this for those who want to learn about family survival and the love that endures.


Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.