Keys of Time, Book 1

by Yohann Martin

Narrated by: Joshua Nicholson

Production by: Yohann Iltis

Mixed Genre Time Travel and Science Fiction!

This book captures the imagination of its listeners as it sets the stage for time travel and the dos and don’ts.  Reuben Greyson and his friends must figure out who is messing around in the past, trying to kill them, and who killed Greyson’s father. A pivotal player in this story is Greyson’s father and it is through clues and more that the real culprit is discovered.

This is a riveting book in murder and treason with some unique twists such as time travel and prophetic dreaming.  The author, Yohann Martin delivers a thought-provoking unique storyline and characters that are rich in talent, intelligence, and skills. The mystery as to who is good and who is not was well done. The mystery as to who is good and who is not was well done. The author, Yohann Martin's writing style is gripping.

The narrator delivers a strong performance not only capturing but communicating the emotion and personality of each character in rich unique voices. Joshua Nicholson speaks clearly, smoothly, and flawlessly.  He was a pleasure to hear.

Overall, I highly recommend this book as it was entertaining, enthralling, and action-packed.

There were no issues with the production or quality of this audio presentation.