by Matthew Hughes

Narrated by: Jack Wynters

Production by: Matthew Hughes

Connoisseur of Spirits and Thieving!

Raffalon is a thriving thief and a connoisseur of spirits (the drinking kind). In these nine tales, Raffalon travels this world and the mystical one where he finds himself facing different characters and situations that force him to rely on his wit and his talents as a thief.  His survival depends on his ability to outwit his adversary human and otherwise.

Matthew Hughes, the author, reveals his story set in the era of wizards and mystical experiences.  Although the main character is a thief and not honorable, he is a rich character that listeners are drawn to.  The storyline divided into nine stories featuring different entities makes the audiobook easier to follow and builds suspense. Vivid details enrich the story and characters.

The narrator, Jack Wynters enriches the story with his tonal inflections and unique voice. He speaks clearly and with enthusiasm reflecting the emotions of the characters and situations.  His delivery is smooth and steady drawing the listener into the story.

If you enjoy stories of the fantasy genre, this is a don’t miss; fun yet suspenseful.

There were no issues with the production or quality of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.